Unit tests for the incomplete gamma function based on the definition, and for the exponential integrals based on table of Abramowitz and Stegun.
Include prototypes for all C level functions to please
Replace deprecated (as of R 4.2.0) macro DOUBLE_EPS
in C code.
Remove the unnecessary LazyData
entry in the
Fixed the example API and the documentation in the vignette.
The previous implementation yielded duplicated symbols with option
that will be the default in gcc starting with
version 10.0.x. Thanks to Joshua Ulrich
[email protected], maintainer of
xts and TTR for proposing the fix.
Minor documentation and comments updates.
Usage of R_useDynamicSymbols
to preclude compilation
s, better registration of native routines and reduced
symbol visibility.
Vignette no longer uses LaTeX package framed as it was not found on OS X in CRAN builds.
Fixed wrong values for expint_E1(x, scale = TRUE) for x in (-4, -1] or x in (0, 1]. Thanks to Vincent Dorie [email protected] for the catch and report.
Yet more authors (actually copyright holders) added to the list of authors.
Fixed improper use of macro ISNAN
(and ISNA
that caused compilation to fail on Linux and Solaris.
Original author of GSL code for expint
(G. Jungman) added as an author of the
Improved (read: more explicit) copyright notices to GSL, R Core Team and R Foundation where appropriate.
Initial release. The package provides the R functions to compute
the exponential integrals E_1(x)
, E_2(x)
, E_n(x)
and Ei(x)
, and the incomplete gamma function G(a, x)
The package also provides a C API to access the actual workhorses
, expint_E2
, expint_En
. Sub-directory ‘example_API’ of the package
installation directory contains a complete test package
implementing API usage.